Total RNA (Blood) Extraction (Automated)

Part Number: TRB0016
Total RNA (Blood) Extraction (Automated)

The magnetiQ Total RNA (Blood) Extraction Kit enables a rapid and efficient method of extraction and purification of RNA and mRNA from blood samples. DNA-free purification of RNA is achieved through magnetic bead-based capture and subsequent elution into a clean buffer.

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The magnetiQ Total RNA Blood Extraction Kit offers high yield and purity of RNA and mRNA. The purified sample can be concentrated in volumes as low as 50 μL, compared to column-based kits, which often necessitate larger elution volumes. The magnetiQ Total RNA Blood Extraction Kit performance demonstrates high purification efficacy at various fragment sizes. Sample processing is completed quickly, yielding high purity and efficient recovery of RNA and mRNA.


  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Real-time RT-PCR
  • Microarray
  • Transcriptome profiling and analysis
  • Poly-A purification
  • Northern Blot


  • Amenable to high-throughput methods, including automation
  • Faster and simpler magnetic collection and resuspension steps
  • Reduces concern for clogging
  • Eliminates organic solvent hazardous waste

Contains optimized buffers for RNA binding, washing and elution developed with Galenvs’ functionalised magnetic beads and optimized with machine-learning approaches for protocol development and reagent formulation.

Sample Type Preserved blood
Formats Manual: 100, 250 preps
Prefilled plates: 16 preps
Elution Volume 50 µL or above
Processing Mode Automated; Manual. Compatible with 96-well plates.
Throughput 1-250 samples per run
Binding Technology Magnetic beads
Binding Capacity Scalable
Components Part A: RNA Extraction

(i) Suspension Buffer
(ii) Binding Buffer
(iii) Proteinase K
(iv) Wash Buffer A1
(v) Wash Buffer A2
(vi) Elution Buffer A
(vii) Binding Beads A

Part B: DNase Treatment

(viii) DNase Reaction Buffer
(ix) Binding Beads B
(x) Binding Buffer B
(xi) Wash Buffer B1
(xii) Elution Buffer B

Storage Room temperature
Kit Size Product Code
100 preps TRB0100
250 preps TRB0250
16 preps ready-to-use prefilled plates TRB0016